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Engine & Generator Removeable Exhaust Blankets meeting UL2200
Removable exhaust system blankets provide important benefits such as reduced operational cost, lower emissions, accidental contact burn protection for personnel, noise reduction, and confined area temperature reduction.
Installations generally consist of two parts - the engine blankets; covering manifolds, risers, wyes, turbos and turbo exit flex or elbow components; and the exhaust components after the turbo - the connection to the silencer/muffler and related piping to the exhaust thimble at the enclosure or building exit point. The engine dimensional data we most likely have for most standard configurations - a photo of the engine installation helps to confirm the layout to the drawing sets we have. However, most installation's engine exhaust silencer and pipe routing will be different, requiring either a drawing set for the installation or a completed template set for us to determine the blanket shapes and dimensions. Photos really help us to identify missing items or dimensions that seem incorrect. To obtain a quote, please provide as much detail as possible; sketches and photos help.
You can also consult our list of known engine configurations:
Please use our template forms to record dimensional data so that we can quote as accurately as possible, and so that the final blanket sets will fit perfectly. We can only build as accurately as you can measure!
Please contact our support desk (support @ abthermal (dot) com) if you have any questions. Typical quote time is 24 hours and typical build time is 8 to 10 working days - expedite service is available if required.
Our blanket sets are engineered so that when properly installed, installations will meet UL2200 requirements and also OSHA requirements.
Blankets are constructed of 3 layers - 1) the outer cold side fabric - which is typically a silicone rubber coated fiberglass (available in silver/grey or black), or an aluminized mylar coated fiberglass. 2) the insulation layer - either needled fiberglass - typically 1" to 2" thick - or other materials such as needled silica or ceramic fibre. 3) the hot-side contact material - typically stainless knitted mesh or silica woven fabric.
The materials suggested will be based on the type of engine and fuel burned and the measured or expected surface temperatures of the exhaust components.

Engine Blanket Measurement Templates