Main Form Products > Sleeve Groups > 1200°F / 648°C - FIBERGLASS SMALL AWG SIZED GROUP
Braided Fiberglass Sleeve - Small Diameter AWG Wire Sized Protection - Premium Grade - Thick Wall Heavy Duty
High Temperature, Heat & Flame Resistant and Thermal Insulating
1200°F / 648°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent
This high temperature and heat resistant fiberglass sleeve is a braided fiberglass (fibreglass / glassfibre) sleeve, fabricated from high quality type E fiberglass that will not burn and will withstand continuous exposure to temperatures of 1200°F / 648°C. It provides excellent protection for wires.
This high temperature sleeve / heat resistant sleeve resists most acids and alkalis and is unaffected by most bleaches and solvents. It is highly flexible and conformable. The base fiber is manufactured to the specifications of ASTM D-578, ASTM committee D13, and subcommittee D13.18. 100% Asbestos free.
This is the thickest wall, heavyist AWG wire size sleeve available - plain or with binders.
Technical Specifications
Fiber Type: E Glass
Specific Gravity: 2.54-2.69
Breaking Tenacity: 1.71 gf/TEX. Std. 1.71 gf/TEX Wet
Effect of Heat: Will not burn; Retains 75% tensile at 343°C; Softens at 732-877°C; Melts at 1121-1182°C
Tensile Strength: 450,000-500,000 psi.
Effect of Acids and Alkalis; Resistance to acids is fair. Good resistance to most alkalis.
Breaking Elongation: 4.81% Std. 4.81% Wet
Elastic Recovery: 100%
Effect of Bleaches and Solvents: Unaffected
Average Stiffness: 2824.3 cn/TE