Main Form Products > Hoses > Material Handling
Hose - Material Handling - Polyurethane with PVC helix - Vacuum Applications - Up to 30 PSI
Heavy-duty abrasion resistant suction hose for use in a variety of wet and dry vacuu applications including vacuum trucks, hydro-excavators, sewer and storm drain cleaners, street sweepers.
Can handle a variety of materials such as crushed stone, sand, gravels, dry-cement, gains and slurries.
The formulation of the tube includes compounds that make it permanently conductive for static dissipation.
Standard lengths are 100 feet for sizes up to 6". 50 and 100 feet standard lengths for size 8".
Not recommended for constant contact with fuels or petroleum products.
Tech Data:
Construction: Polyurethane with a left-hand PVC helix; static dissipating
Safety Factor: 3:1
Working Pressure: Up to 30 PSI
Temperature: -40F to 158F