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Hose - Petroleum Transfer Group - Summary

1) Hose - Petroleum Transfer - Gasoline / Petrol / Diesel - 200 PSI

This is a multi-use hose for transferring gasoline, petrol, diesel and other petroleum fluids such a brake or transmission fluid.

Used in industrial, commercial, construction site, farm and other locations where UL approval is not required.

Good to 200 PSI working pressure with a 3:1 safety factor.

Tech Data:
Tube:                     Black, NBR (ARPM Class A); high oil resistance
Cover:                    Black, SBR/Nitrile blend compound for oil and ozone resistance
Reinforcement:        Spiral polyester cords
Working Pressure:   200 PSI
Safety Factor:          3:1
Temperature:          -40F to 190F
Non-conductive:      1,800 megaOhm @ 1000 volts
Marking:                 FUEL/OIL HOSE (ID) 200PSI WP  (white lettering)

Part Number Group: H-P-FUEL
hose petroleum gasoline diesel transfer

2) Hose - Fuel Oil Delivery Transfer - Gasoline / Petrol / Diesel / Oil - 250 PSI

This is a multi-use hose for transferring gasoline, petrol, diesel, oil, kerosene and other petroleum fluids.

Used in industrial, commercial, construction site, farm and other locations.

Good to 250 PSI working pressure with a 4:1 safety factor.

Tech Data:
Tube:                     Black, NBR (ARPM Class A); high oil resistance
Cover:                    Red, NBR (ARPM Class A)
Reinforcement:        2 braided polyester cords
Working Pressure:   250 PSI
Safety Factor:          4:1
Temperature:          -40F to 180F
Marking:                 F.O.D. Fuel Oil Delivery Hose - (ID) - 250PSI WP (Lot #)  (white lettering)

Part Number Group: H-P-FOD
hose petroleum gasoline diesel transfer

3) Hose - Low Pressure Hydraulic Return or Suction - SAE100R4 - 150 to 250 PSI

Meets SAE 100R4 requirements for low pressure hydraulic return line or suction line for petroleum and water based hydraulic fluids.

NOTE: Assembly working pressure based on the fittings used.

Working pressures of 150 to 250 PSI with a 4:1 safety factor.

Tech Data:
Tube:                     Black, NBR (ARPM Class A); high oil resistance
Cover:                    Black, SBR (ARPM Class B)
Reinforcement:        High tensile tire cord plies with dual helix wires
Working Pressure:   250 PSI for smallest size; 150 PSI for largest size
Safety Factor:          4:1
Temperature:          -40F to 212F
Marking:                 (ID) - SAE-100R4 XXXPSI WP (red lettering)

Part Number Group: H-P-R4
hose petroleum low pressure return suction

4) Hose - Oil Discharge - 150 PSI

Lightweight oil discharge hose for use in a variety of appliations where an oil-resistant, soft wall discharge hose is required.

Tech Data:
Tube:                     Black, NBR (ARPM Class A); high fuel & oil resistance
Cover:                    Red, EPDM/NR/SBR compound. Oil, weather and abrasion resistant.
Reinforcement:        High tensile tire cord plies with static wire
Working Pressure:   150 PSI
Safety Factor:          3:1
Temperature:          -30F to 180F
Marking:                 OIL DELIVERY HOSE 150 PSI

Part Number Group: H-P-ODH
hose petroleum oil discharge

5) Hose - Oilfield Suction Hose - 150 PSI

Rugged hose for oilfield service where full suction and working pressures are required.

Not recommended for refined petroleum products.

Tech Data:
Tube:                     Black, custom compounded elastomer; low oil swell
Cover:                    Black, SBR/Nitrile blend compound for oil and ozone resistance.
Reinforcement:        High tensile tire cord plies with helix wire
Working Pressure:   150 PSI
Safety Factor:          4:1
Temperature:          -20F to 180F
Ends:                      Soft cuffs on standard lengths
Vacuum Rating:       30 in/HG

Part Number Group: H-P-OSU
hose petroleum oil discharge

6) Hose - Oilfield High Flexibility Suction Hose - 150 PSI

Rugged hose for oilfield service where full suction and working pressures are required.

Convoluted outer cover for high flexibility.

Not recommended for refined petroleum products.

Tech Data:
Tube:                     Black, custom compounded elastomer; low oil swell
Cover:                    Black, SBR/Nitrile blend compound for oil and ozone resistance.
                             Convoluted for high flexibility.
Reinforcement:        High tensile tire cord plies with helix wire
Working Pressure:   150 PSI
Safety Factor:          4:1
Temperature:          -20F to 180F
Ends:                      Soft cuffs on standard lengths
Vacuum Rating:       30 in/HG

Part Number Group: H-P-OSU-HF
hose petroleum high flexibility oilfield suction

7) Hose - Frac Tank Hose - 150 PSI

A Heavy Duty and rugged frac tank hose ideal for handling salt and fresh water, tank bottoms, crude oil, drilling muds and mild solutions of hydrochloric acids.

Convoluted outer cover for high flexibility.  Not recommended for refined petroleum products.

Tech Data:
Tube:                     Black, custom compounded elastomer; low oil swell
Cover:                    Black, SBR/Nitrile blend compound for oil and ozone resistance.
                             Convoluted for high flexibility.
Reinforcement:        High tensile tire cord plies with helix wire
Working Pressure:   150 PSI
Safety Factor:          4:1
Temperature:          -40F to 190F
Ends:                      Soft cuffs on standard lengths
Vacuum Rating:       25 in/HG

Part Number Group: H-P-FRAC
hose petroleum Frac Tank

8) Hose - Frac Tank Hose Assembly - 150 PSI

Heavy duty & rugged hose assembly for handling salt and fresh water, tank bottoms, crude oil, driling muds and mild solutions of hydrochloric acids.

Convoluted outer cover for improved flexibility.  Assembled with female frac subs and carbon steel sleeves.

The 39" hose with fittings will have an OAL of 43.5" +/- 1".

Not recommended for refined petroleum products.

Tech Data:
Tube:                      Black, custom compounded elastomer; low oil swell
Cover:                     Black, SBR/Nitrile blend compound for oil and ozone resistance.
                              Convoluted for high flexibility.
Reinforcement:        High tensile tire cord plies with helix wire
Working Pressure:   150 PSI
Safety Factor:          4:1
Temperature:          -20F to 190F
Ends:                      Soft cuffs on standard lengths
Vacuum Rating:       25 in/HG

Part Number Group: H-P-FRACAS
Frac tank hose assembly

9) Hose - Oil Discharge 200PSI

Soft wall discharge hose designed for use on trucks, docks and barges.

Available in 100 foot coils and by-the-foot or by-the-metre.

Tech Data:
Tube:                      Black, Nitrile, 55% aromatics (ORS)
Cover:                     Black, Neoprene
Reinforcement:        4 high tensile tire cord plies
Working Pressure:   200 PSI
Safety Factor:          4:1
Temperature:          -40F to 190F
Static Grounding:     Braided copper wire runs length of hose
Marking:                 PETROLEUM TRANSFER/DISCHARGE - 200PSI WP

Part Number Group: H-P-ODIS200

10) Hose - Blender / Fracturing - 400 PSI

A rugged hose designed for blender/fracturing operations in oilfield and gas exploration applications.
The abrasion resistant cover is constructed to withstand extended exposure to harsh abrasive conditions.
Designed for the transfer of 98% water and sand mixtures, oil slurries and crude oil.
100 / 200 foot coils and by-the-foot or by-the-metre lengths.

Tech Data:
Tube:                      Black, NBR compound, fuel and oil resistant
Cover:                     Black, SBR/Nitrile blend compound, abrasion resistant
Reinforcement:        High tensile tire cord plies
Working Pressure:   400 PSI
Safety Factor:          4:1
Temperature:          -30F to 180F

Part Number Group: H-P-BLENDFRAC400
Blender Fracturing Hose 400 PSI

11) Hose - Multi-Purpose Discharge 500PSI

Heavy duty discharge hose can be used in a variety of applications in severe conditions such as oil waste, drilling muds, high pressure water or fracturing.

100 / 200 foot coils and by-the-foot or by-the-metre lengths.

Tech Data:
Tube:                      Black, NBR compound, fuel and oil resistant
Cover:                     Black, NR/SBR blend compound, weather & abrasion resistant
Reinforcement:        High tensile tire cord plies with static wire
Working Pressure:   500 PSI
Safety Factor:          4:1
Temperature:          -30F to 180F

Part Number Group: H-P-MPDH500
hose petroleum multi purpose discharge 500psi
hose petroleum tank truck 100psi

12) Hose - Red Tank Truck High Flexibility 150PSI

Lighter weight tank truck hose used for the transfer of petroleum based products under gravity flow, pressure or full suction. Convoluted cover for maximum flexibility.

100 / 200 foot coils and by-the-foot or by-the-metre lengths.

Tech Data:
Tube:                      Black, Nitrile, 55% aromatics (ORS)
Cover:                     Red, Neoprene, smooth with good flexibility
Reinforcement:        High tensile tire cord plies with helix wire
Working Pressure:   150 PSI
Safety Factor:          4:1
Temperature:          -40F to 180F
Vacuum Rating:       30 in/HG
Marking:                 PETROLEUM TANK TRUCK HOSE 150PSI WP

Part Number Group: H-P-TANKTRK
hose petroleum tank truck high flexibility 150psi

13) Hose - Red Tank Truck High Flexibility 150PSI

Premium grade ultra flexible tank truck hose used for the transfer of petroleum based products under gravity flow, pressure or full suction. Convoluted cover for maximum flexibility.

100 / 200 foot coils and by-the-foot or by-the-metre lengths.

Tech Data:
Tube:                      Black, Nitrile, 55% aromatics (ORS)
Cover:                     Red, Neoprene, convoluted with excellent flexibility
Reinforcement:        High tensile tire cord plies with helix wire
Working Pressure:   150 PSI
Safety Factor:          4:1
Temperature:          -40F to 180F
Vacuum Rating:       30 in/HG
Ends:                      Soft cuffs on standard lengths

Part Number Group: H-P-TANKHF
hose petroleum black tank truck 150psi

14) Hose - Black Tank Truck 150PSI

Standard hose for tank truck, in-plant and oilfield loading operations - strong and flexible hose.

100 / 200 foot coils and by-the-foot or by-the-metre lengths.

Tech Data:
Tube:                      Black, Nitrile, 55% aromatics (ORS)
Cover:                     Black, Neoprene, smooth with good flexibility
Reinforcement:        High tensile tire cord plies with helix wire
Working Pressure:   150 PSI
Safety Factor:          4:1
Temperature:          -40F to 180F
Vacuum Rating:       30 in/HG
Ends:                      Soft cuffs on standard lengths
Marking:                 PETROLEUM TANK TRUCK HOSE 150PSI WP

Part Number Group: H-P-BTANK
hose petroleum black high flexibility tank truck 150psi

15) Hose - Black High Flexibility Tank Truck 150PSI

Premium high flexibility hose for tank truck, in-plant and oilfield loading operations - strong and highly flexible hose.

100 / 200 foot coils and by-the-foot or by-the-metre lengths.

Tech Data:
Tube:                      Black, Nitrile, 55% aromatics (ORS)
Cover:                     Black, Neoprene, convoluted high flexibility
Reinforcement:        High tensile tire cord plies with helix wire
Working Pressure:   150 PSI
Safety Factor:          4:1
Temperature:          -40F to 180F
Vacuum Rating:       30 in/HG
Ends:                      Soft cuffs on standard lengths
Marking:                 PETROLEUM TANK TRUCK HOSE 150PSI WP

Part Number Group: H-P-BTANKHF
hose petroleum black high flexibility tank truck 150psi

16) Hose - Black Heavy Duty Tank Truck and Offshore 300PSI

Designed for offshore drilling and other demanding applications where a high working pressure is needed along with long lengths.

100 / 200 foot coils and by-the-foot or by-the-metre lengths.

Tech Data:
Tube:                      Black, Nitrile, 55% aromatics (ORS)
Cover:                     Black, Neoprene, smooth
Reinforcement:        High tensile tire cord plies with helix wire
Working Pressure:   300 PSI
Safety Factor:          4:1
Temperature:          -40F to 180F
Vacuum Rating:       30 in/HG
Ends:                      Soft cuffs on standard lengths
Marking:                 PETROLEUM TANK TRUCK HOSE 300PSI WP

Part Number Group: H-P-HDTANK300
hose petroleum black high flexibility tank truck 150psi

17) Hose - Black Heavy Duty High Flexibility Tank Truck and Offshore 300 PSI

Designed for offshore drilling and other demanding applications where a high working pressure is needed along with long lengths.  Convoluted cover provides high flexibility.

Standard lengths of 100 / 200 foot coils and also available By-the-foot or By-the-yard lengths.

Tech Data:
Tube:                      Black, Nitrile, 55% aromatics (ORS)
Cover:                     Black, Neoprene, smooth
Reinforcement:        High tensile tire cord plies with helix wire
Working Pressure:   300 PSI
Safety Factor:          4:1
Temperature:          -40F to 180F
Vacuum Rating:       30 in/HG
Ends:                      Soft cuffs on standard lengths
Marking:                 PETROLEUM TANK TRUCK HOSE 300PSI WP

Part Number Group: H-P-HDTANK300

hose petroleum black high flexibility tank truck 150psi

18) Hose - Black Oil Suction & Discharge Hose - 250PSI

Heavy duty smooth bore dock hose.  Designed for offshore drilling and other demanding applications where a high working pressure is needed along with long lengths.

Meets USCG 33CFR 154.500 when properly assembled.

100 foot coils and by-the-foot or by-the-metre lengths.  The 10 and 12 inch ID hoses are available in 40 foot lengths.

Tech Data:
Tube:                      Black, Nitrile, 55% aromatics (ORS)
Cover:                     Black, Neoprene, smooth
Reinforcement:        High tensile tire cord plies with helix wire
Working Pressure:   250 PSI
Safety Factor:          4:1
Temperature:          -40F to 190F
Vacuum Rating:       29 in/HG
Ends:                      Soft cuffs on standard lengths
Marking:                 OIL SUCTION AND DISCHARGE HOSE 250PSI W.P. MEETS USCG 33CFR 154.500

Part Number Group: H-P-OSD

19) Hose - Black Oil Suction & Discharge Hose Assemblies - 250PSI

Heavy duty smooth bore dock hose with built-in carbon steel 150# ANSI flanges.  Designed for offshore drilling and other demanding applications where a high working pressure is needed along with long lengths.

Meets USCG 33CFR 154.500 when properly assembled.

10 to 50 foot assembled lengths.  See table for complete list of available sizes.

Tech Data:
Tube:                      Black, Nitrile, 55% aromatics (ORS)
Cover:                     Black, Neoprene, smooth
Reinforcement:        High tensile tire cord plies with helix wire
Working Pressure:   250 PSI
Safety Factor:          4:1
Temperature:          -40F to 190F
Vacuum Rating:       29 in/HG
Ends:                      ANSI 150# carbon steel built-in fixed by floating flanges
Marking:                 OIL SUCTION AND DISCHARGE HOSE 250PSI W.P. MEETS USCG 33CFR 154.500

Part Number Group: H-P-OSDFL
hose assembly petroleum black high flexibility tank truck 250 psi

20) Hose - NBR Suction - up to 50 PSI

Heavy duty all weather suction hose for general oilfield, water, wastewater, septic and manure.  Service life varies with media being conveyed.

PVC helix prolongs hose life over rough surfaces.  Highly flexible, lightweight and floats.

Tech Data:
Construction:           NBR/PVC tube with a PVC helix
Working Pressure:   Up to 50 PSI for smallest size, 23 PSI for largest size
Safety Factor:          3:1
Temperature:          -40F to 140F
Vacuum Rating:       29.8 in/HG

Part Number Group: H-P-NBR
hose petroleum suction NBR 50 psi

21) Hose - Tank Drop - Green - 65 PSI

High quality tank drop hose compatible with gasoline, diesel, biofuels (up to E-98) and biodiesel (B-100 meeting ASTM D-6751).  Flexible even at sub-zero temperatures.

Standard lengths of 20, 60 and 100 feet.

Use appropriate banding sleeves or banding coils for assembly accuracy.  Fabrications to be performed only by experienced personnel.  Static wire must be properly embedded, grounded and tested prior to use to assure proper grounding of the hose and assembly.

Tech Data:
Construction:           Clear, specially compounded polyurethane
Reinforcement:        Rigid PVC helix (green) with synthetic yarn braiding
Working Pressure:   65 PSI
Temperature:          -40F to 150F
Grounding:              Embedded anodized copper wire
Vacuum Rating:       29.8 in/HG
Marking:                 TDG - <ID> - LOT

Part Number Group: H-P-TDH
hose petroleum tank drop green 65 psi

22) Hose - Heavy Duty Tank Drop - Orange - 65 PSI

High quality tank drop hose compatible with gasoline (up to 40% aromatics).  Lightweight and flexible even at sub-zero temperatures.

Standard lengths of 20, 60 and 100 feet.

Use appropriate banding sleeves or banding coils for assembly accuracy.  Fabrications to be performed only by experienced personnel.  Static wire must be properly embedded, grounded and tested prior to use to assure proper grounding of the hose and assembly.

Tech Data:
Construction:           Black, specially compounded NBR/PVC (good for use up to 40% aromatics)
Reinforcement:        Rigid PVC helix (orange) with synthetic yarn braiding
Working Pressure:   65 PSI
Temperature:          -40F to 150F
Grounding:              Embedded anodized copper wire
Vacuum Rating:       29.8 in/HG
Marking:                 TDG - <ID> - LOT

Part Number Group: H-P-TDHHD
hose petroleum tank drop orange 65 psi

23) Hose - Heavy Duty Tank Drop - Red - 150 PSI

High quality tank drop hose compatible with gasoline (up to 40% aromatics).  Lightweight and flexible even at sub-zero temperatures.

Standard lengths of 20, 60 and 100 feet.

Use appropriate banding sleeves or banding coils for assembly accuracy.  Fabrications to be performed only by experienced personnel.  Static wire must be properly embedded, grounded and tested prior to use to assure proper grounding of the hose and assembly.

Tech Data:
Construction:           Black, specially compounded NBR/PVC (good for use up to 40% aromatics)
Reinforcement:        Rigid PVC helix (red) with synthetic yarn braiding
Working Pressure:   65 PSI
Temperature:          -40F to 150F
Grounding:              Embedded anodized copper wire
Vacuum Rating:       29.8 in/HG
Marking:                 HEAVY DUTY TANK DROP HOSE 150 PSI W.P. - <ID> - LOT

Part Number Group: H-P-TDHHD
hose petroleum tank drop red 150 psi

24) Hose - Medium Duty Vapor Recovery Hose - Yellow - Up to 17 PSI

High quality medium duty vapor recovery hose compatible with gasoline, diesel, biofuels (up to E-98) and biodiesel (B-100 meeting ASTM D-6751).  Lightweight and flexible even at sub-zero temperatures.

Standard lengths of 20, 60 and 100 feet and By-the-foot or By-the-metre cut lengths

Use appropriate banding sleeves or banding coils for assembly accuracy.  Fabrications to be performed only by experienced personnel.  Static wire must be properly embedded, grounded and tested prior to use to assure proper grounding of the hose and assembly.

Tech Data:
Construction:           Clear, specially compounded polyurethane
Reinforcement:        Rigid PVC helix (yellow)
Working Pressure:   -32 size: 17 PSI, -48 size: 11 PSI, -64 size: 9 PSI
Temperature:          -40F to 150F
Grounding:              Embedded anodized copper wire
Vacuum Rating:       29.8 in/HG
Marking:                 VRM - <ID> - LOT

Part Number Group: H-P-VRMD
hose petroleum vapor recovery yellow 17 psi

25) Hose - Heavy Duty Vapor Recovery Hose - Red - Up to 13 PSI

High quality heavy duty vapor recovery hose compatible with gasoline, diesel, biofuels (up to E-98) and biodiesel (B-100 meeting ASTM D-6751).  Lightweight and flexible even at sub-zero temperatures.

Standard lengths of 20, 60 and 100 feet and By-the-foot or By-the-metre cut lengths

Use appropriate banding sleeves or banding coils for assembly accuracy.  Fabrications to be performed only by experienced personnel.  Static wire must be properly embedded, grounded and tested prior to use to assure proper grounding of the hose and assembly.

Tech Data:
Construction:           Clear, specially compounded polyurethane
Reinforcement:        Rigid PVC helix (red)
Working Pressure:   -48 size: 13 PSI, -64 size: 11 PSI
Temperature:          -40F to 150F
Grounding:              Embedded anodized copper wire
Vacuum Rating:       29.8 in/HG
Marking:                 HEAVY DUTY VAPOR RECOVERY HOSE - <ID> - LOT

Part Number Group: H-P-VRHD
hose petroleum vapor recovery yellow 17 psi

26) Hose - Banding Sleeve

Banding Sleeves are for use with tank drop hoses and vapor recovery hoses.

A 12" length is typically used per hose end to prevent band clamps from slipping into the corregation and damaging the hose.  Standard length is 3 feet.

Fabrications to be performed only by experienced personnel.  Static wire must be properly embedded, grounded and tested prior to use to assure proper grounding of the hose and assembly.

Tech Data:
Construction:           on-food grade PVC
Temperature:          -40F to 150F

Part Number Group: H-P-BSTD, H-P-BSHDTD, H-P-BSTD150, H-P-BSVR

Petroleum Applications Hoses Catalog Section Below:
AB Technology Group
431 State Street, Box 1491, Ogdensburg, NY 13669
116 Albert Street - Suite 300, Ottawa, ON K1P 5G3
Tel: (610) 906-3549
Fax: (610) 679-8592
Email: orders (@ Symbol) abthermal.com
All content copyright AB Technology Group
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