Main Form Products > Sleeve Groups > > Sleeves - Abrasion & Wear Protection > Abrasion Wear Protection Sleeve
Abrasion, Wear and Blowout Protection Nylon Braided Monofilament Sleeve for Wire, Cable, Hose, Tubing and Pipe Protection
375°F / 190°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent
ScuffSleeveä Nylon MonoBraid abrasion resistance sleeve for protection of hoses and cables that are moved regularly or flex in operation.
Two versions of the sleeve are available: .020" round (2500 abrasion cycle rated) and .050" flattened (4400 abrasion cycle rated).
Available in bulk spool lengths and smaller shop spool lengths.

Part Numbers: S-NY-APS-ES20-0.25-M006-04, S-NY-APS-ES20-0.50-M013-08, S-NY-APS-ES20-0.75-M019-12, S-NY-APS-ES20-1.00-M025-16, S-NY-APS-ES20-1.25-M032-20, S-NY-APS-ES20-1.75-M044-28, S-NY-APS-ES20-2.25-M057-36; S-NY-APS-ES50-0.50-M013-08, S-NY-APS-ES50-0.75-M019-12, S-NY-APS-ES50-1.00-M025-16, S-NY-APS-ES50-1.25-M032-20, S-NY-APS-ES50-1.75-M044-28, S-NY-APS-ES50-2.00-M057-36