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Pallet cargo fire containment cover
- Designed to isolate a
pallet fire for 6 hours - providing valuable time to land safely.
- Exceeds the
performance standards set by the FAA and EASA.
- Lightweight, durable,
easy to deploy and maintain.
- Features a cross
shaped design with overlapping corners for ease of use with irregular loads.
- Provides extended
protection from extreme heat and flames caused by fuel sources such as
lithium-ion batteries and hazardous cargo.
- Designed to be used
with a standard TSO-C90 cargo net.
- Locking net
- Used for aviation,
marine, land transport and storage in hangars, and other structures.
- Will not burn, melt
or allow flame penetration.
- Resists molten metal
burn through.
- Withstands
temperatures up to 1800°F / 980°C.
- 3 standard sizes and
custom sizes available.
- Also useable to
prevent fire from damaging the pallet contents for valuable equipment, and
- Meets or exceeds the following standards:
- TSO-C203 (FAA Fire Containment Cover Certification)
- ISO 14186 / SAE AS 6453 (Full Scale Box Burn)
- ISO 12236 (Static Puncture Test)
- FAR 25 Appendix F Part III (Flame Penetration Resistance)
- FAR 25 Appendix F Part IV (Heat Release Rate)
- FAR 25 Appendix F Part V (Smoke Density)
- ASTM D6413 (Vertical Flame Resistance)
- ASTM E-84 (Surface Flame Spread and Smoke Density)
- ASTM F-955 (Molten Metal Resistance)
- ASTM E-119 (Furnace Tested)
- UL 1784 (Smoke Penetration)
- BSS 7239 (Non-Toxicity of Products of Combustion)