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Fiberglass Woven 7628 Hullboard Lagging Tape: High Temperature & Heat Resistant

1200°F / 648°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent

DeltaGlassä high temperature fiberglass 7628 hullboard lagging tape is heat, flame and fire resistant.  Fiberglass (fibreglass or glass-fibre) woven tapes are fabricated from high quality type E fiberglass that will not burn and will withstand continuous exposure to temperatures of 1200°F / 648°C.

Meets MIL-C-20079 specifications for low corrosion.  Used as a lagging tape to join hullboard insuation in marine shipboard applications.

Woven fiberglass 7628 hullboard lagging tape MILC20079

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Email: orders (@ Symbol) abthermal.com
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