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Fiberglass Compression Gasket Rope with Clip Mounting for Ovens Stoves Smokers and BBQs

High Temperature Heat Resistant

1200°F / 648°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent

This high temperature, heat & flame resistant and thermal insulating fiberglass rope gasket seal is fabricated with high quality type E fiberglass that will not burn and will withstand continuous exposure to temperatures of 1200°F / 648°C. Commonly used as a gasket or seal for access doors and gate valves and other oven, stove, bbq and smoker applications and also paint booth and clean room applications.

This fiberglass braid outer shell material resists most acids and alkalis and is unaffected by most bleaches and solvents.  It is highly flexible and conformable.

The base fiber is manufactured to the specifications of ASTM D-578, ASTM committee D13, and subcommittee D13.18.

This rope gasket features high compression capability and excellent push back with virtually no compression set, with high cycle life, due to the knitted metallic stainless steel core.

Two size of the rope are available: OD of 0.42" / 10.7mm and OD of 0.57" / 14.4mm.  Clip spacing is 3".  Unwanted clips may be removed with side cutters.

Fiberglass Rope with high compression metal hollow core and clip gasket seal oven doors
Fiberglass gasket rope with hollow stainless mesh core and clip mounting - stove and oven door seal

Gasket Rope Mounted on Oven Door
Gasket Rope Mounted on Door Frame

Gasket Rope Mounted on Smoker LidGasket Rope Mounted on Smoker Door

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Rope gasket - Braided Fiberglass with Hollow Metal Core and Clip Mounting
Precision Rope gasket for stoves, ovens, bbq and smokers - Braided Fiberglass with Hollow Metal Core and Clip Mounting
$ 0.00
AB Technology Group
431 State Street, Box 1491, Ogdensburg, NY 13669
116 Albert Street - Suite 300, Ottawa, ON K1P 5G3
Tel: (610) 906-3549
Fax: (610) 679-8592
Email: orders (@ Symbol) abthermal.com
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